
April 2019-present


Cameleon Tactical Command & Control

While working at Teledyne FLIR, I have worked on dozens of unique projects involving the Cameleon Tactical software solution. Working with clients to develop key features and our developers to execute on those requirements, I have been involved with various stages of the products life-cycle. This includes learning API specifications for new integrations, developing algorithms for data processing, planning system configuration designs of multi-sensor systems (radars, PTZ cameras, access control systems, microwave fence detectors, IO devices, etc), and executing final commissioning of site installations.

May 2021 - Feb 2022


3D printed parts for local dental clinic

Over the past few years, I have assisted a local dental clinic with plastic parts that needed replacement at a fraction of the typical cost. Parts were measured and then modeled using Solidworks. The parts were printed using a Monoprice Mini FDM printer using PLA plastic. Example of parts printed include: bite stick tool for CT, custom face mask holder (left bottom), bite stick registration tool (left top), sanitation wipe divider, and a tool drawer key.

November 2021


Radar detection data web-tool

Written in Python utilizing Voila, Jupyter, and Pandas this simple tool was created to assist with analyzing radar target data. This interactive web interface could be used to load target data from a CSV file and resulted in an interactive map with a heat-map overlay. Further analysis was conducted using Matplotlib to generate resulting figures.

January 2021

Automatic drop file

Written in C# using WPF and .NET 5 this small utility with GUI is used for automating a tedious task when testing drop files with installed software. Normally files need to be added to a directory and the installed version of the file needs to be renamed or backed up. This tool takes out the manually portion of copying and renaming files and makes it easy to revert back to the using the installed versions of the files.

August 2020

Radar TCP server simulator

Written in C# with Winforms and .NET Core 3 this program acts as a TCP server waiting for a client connection attempt. Once connected the server starts sending packets of XML data with simulated radar target information. This allows for testing of various features of the Cameleon FLIR product without the need of a physical radar on the network.

March 2019

Bacteria motility data GUI

The Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies division at the University of Nottingham is investigating bacteria motility on various biomaterials. A GUI was required to improve the researchers workflow while working with the motility data of individual bacteria cells obtained through a combination of digital holographic and differential interference contrast microscopy. I developed a GUI in MATLAB and incorporated various functions for manipulating the track data. Some features include: splitting/linking/filtering tracks, figure creation tools, and making animated gifs. This software package, titled DHMTrack, was released publicly for other researchers to use. 

August 2018

Achilles biofeedback device

A biofeedback device was developed, bottom-up, to assist patients with adhering to rehabilitation protocols assigned by a clinician. The device successfully incorporated pressure sensitive polymer to quantify weight bearing and gastrocnemius muscle activity, and IMU sensors to quantify ankle flexion-extension, inversion-eversion, and basic gait parameters. A Bluetooth module was used to transmit sensor data to a real-time visual feedback module on an external device. I was responsible for developing both the C code used on the microcontroller of the device and the interface system which ran a Python script on a Raspberry Pi. More info here:

July 2018

Needle insertion detection device

A trigger point injection needling procedure is currently being conducted by Dr. Greg Siren at the Myo clinic in Victoria BC. Future research at the Rehabilitation Neuroscience Laboratory may aim to determine what mechanisms are occurring from this procedure. In order to conduct research trials, an instrumentation device is needed that can detect when the needle has been inserted into the skin. A mechanical housing was designed and 3-D printed that houses a needle and, through the use of a linear resistor, can detect needle insertions and maximum depth. The housing uses a spring sliding mechanism to allow the needle to be inserted and then return to the starting position after each stroke.

December 2018

Automated conveyor belt sorting system

The mechanical engineering course titled "Mechatronics" required the development of a conveyor belt system that could correctly identify and sort 4 different types of objects that would be loaded onto the pre-built system. A microcontroller required extensive C programming to accomplish the monitoring of four external sensors in real time and processing of the data to control and coordinate the conveyor and sorting tray motors. The sensors implemented include a hall effect sensor for the stepper motor for tray angle positioning, an optical sensor at the end of the belt for coordinating when to drop a piece, a reflective object sensor to identify piece colors, and a phototransistor positioned across from a laser to identify when a piece is in position to be read by the reflective object sensor.

August 2018


Microfluidic device for separating microbeads 

A major 3rd year design project required a microfluidic device to be designed and developed that could separate magnetic Dynabeads from a mixed solution. Our teams chip was constructed using soft lithography and PDMS. The device exploited the fluid flow properties in microfluidic devices having a low Reynolds number resulting in laminar flow. This allowed for magnets to be placed at a calculated optimal location that would direct the beads into a parallel waste stream while the "clean" solution would be carried to a different exit stream.

August 2018


Modeling and analysis of
Lamborghini Diablo wing

The wings of two different super-cars were modeled and analyzed using Siemens NX. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to determine the theoretical downward force generated by the wing when driving at top speed. This downforce was then used to perform finite element analysis (FEA) and determine the stress concentrations that are present in the design. The wings ability to stabilize the rear of the car was also observed through the pressure differentials induced by the support columns of the wings.

May 2018


Emergency vitals monitoring wrist-cuff

A major project in development by the UVic Biodev student team was to design a wearable emergency vitals wrist cuff that could monitor a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen saturation levels. The prototype developed was able to measure heart rate and SPO2 and could transmit the data to a connected smartphone. The electronics were housed in a 3D printed enclosure that could be strapped to the wrist.

December 2017


Photoacoustic imaging
MATLAB simulation

Photoacoustic imaging is a burgeoning technology in the field of biomedical imaging. In this project, a numerical simulation of a proposed sensor array design using image reconstruction capabilities is reproduced with a positive result, validating this configuration as an improvement over conventional single-sensor Fabry-Perot modules. The simulation was performed using a MATLAB library called k-wave. 

May 2017


Portable EMG
control box

A quick project I undertook for a PhD student at the Rehabilitation Neuroscience Laboratory. The device housed a microcontroller which would interface with a MyoWare EMG amplifier. Then based on the amplitude of the EMG signal output pulses would be sent via a BNC connection to the existing lab equipment for stimulation timing. The device was able to self calibrate the EMG thresholds and had three indicator LEDs for operator simplicity.

December 2016


Ramping stimulation system and GUI

The Rehabilitation Neuroscience Lab employs various devices to perform human stimulation and interpret surface EMG data. A system that can deliver stimulus at a ramping frequency was needed for research in the lab. The system must also be able to process EMG data for triggering the stimulus and for controlling the magnitude of frequency in a dynamic setting. An interface was developed using LabVIEW which allows the researcher to control various parameters of the stimulation system. The system can also dynamically determine the necessary stimulus frequency by performing analysis on the EMG signal in real-time.